Picture 1, 2, and 3:
All you see is the beauty. Vivid, wonderful, bright, beauty!! Bountiful color...so rich in blooms that they burst loveliness everywhere. And...they do!! But the story? Picture 4: The story is like this picture. Heavy, bent, and broken. Snipped, pruned, and removed. A battle, a struggle, and a feeling of being done with purpose. Can you relate? Or, have you been on the flipside, struggling with jealousy of the beauty that trails others, but failing to see their battle and need of support? As I straightened my poor peonies and rearranged the wires, I said aloud, "Even flowers need girdles!!" I laughed, but the thoughts continued. Everyone needs EMOTIONAL GIRDLES!! Even those you consider have it better...blooms and all...the "flowers of the crop"...you don't know their struggles, insecurities, and battles. They too need support, love, and graciousness. They too need to be blessed. Perhaps, you feel like these peonies or pruned and deadheaded roses; the journey isn't done. Your story isn't done. There IS hope. There IS promise. There IS God who loves you and will use you just as I did my beautiful flowers. <3 Be thoughtful of others, and know God is thoughtful of YOU. <3 . . . #Garden #Thoughts #Flowers #Peonies #Roses #TheDalles #Oregon #PNW #Beauty #Friends #Love #Support #Purpose #Hope #Unique #Bloom #God #Girdles
1 Comment
RobynI randomly desire to sit and relax at a campfire with good company on a grey-skied day and a cool breeze.
July 2021