Regarding Roe v. Wade
I’ve said a lot of my views on being pro-life. I talk about it a lot when it’s not trending because to me valuing others is an everyday thing. So there’s no need to repeat myself. Therefore, I’m addressing it differently today.
Pro-lifers…Christian, atheist, Democrat, LGBTQ, etc., (because it’s a lie it’s just white, Republican, male Christians - trust me, I know every kind, I just tend to address the Christian ones because I expect more from them), please remember it’s more than just right and wrong, morals and values, facts and misconceptions, science and skewed info, life and ethics, whose blatant statement is more correct, etc.
It’s about people. Being pro-life is about valuing others, and honestly, we lose a lot of that in the wayside of trying to prove a point on the value of life, that we don’t value the individual who is hurting. Right now, regardless of how strongly you feel about a situation, please don’t forget the person right in front of you whom God called you to love. Honestly, half the time the conversation isn’t even really about the legitimacy of the pain the baby goes through in the womb and what situations warrant allowing that, it’s not “the angry liberal yelling crazy things on TikTok” of the “woke” wave, it’s a conversation of pain, hurt, fear, doubt, injustice, shame, loss of control in real-life situations, etc.
This is what they feel, no matter how it comes out. You see anger. You see stubbornness. But, it goes deeper. Facts are important in mature and receptive conversations, but most of the time, those aren’t the conversations actually taking place, because people aren’t dealing with mere facts and misconceptions…they are dealing from a place of pain and experience. I’m 100% for defending all life, it’s an ethical issue, not a religious nor Republican issue, but when you say they are wrong, in their mind you’re saying they are wrong about: their pain, their hurts, their fears, how they’ve been mistreated, the shame they’ve endured, the abuse/sexual abuse, the injustice, the hardship dealt by unfair situations, the people they’ve cared for who have gone through the pain, etc.
Be mindful of the conversations you’re having. No one is going to be convinced differently with the accurate facts (unless it’s a real conversation), and no one is going to feel valued if you’re just trying to be right. Ask real questions and nurture their hearts even if you “can’t convince them”. The pro-life value is more than convincing anyone of anything. These are people hurt by foster systems, adoption issues, child abuse, sex abuse, and sex trafficking (not everyone gives up a child for adoption, they sell their babies; some pro-choicers don't want the child going through that. None of us do.). You need to think bigger. These are real concerns pro-choice people have, and if you listen and work together, maybe you can present REAL ideas on how we can meet these needs. They want SOLUTIONS - if there is no solution, they don’t care about the science. They have a different perspective on what “the value of life” is. You’re having the wrong conversations.
My heart is heavy for many reasons…
1. I love you all.
2. I’m frustrated with the blatant pro-choice remarks (it also affects me personally and my defensive nature for my son who loves those of you he knows).
3. I’m frustrated with the blatant pro-life remarks (you’re missing it and your attitude stinks).
4. When I get angry, and I know God doesn’t want me to be, I have to feel something, so it just turns to sadness…and being in the middle with a different perspective is like one person on one side shouting through my ear and another person shouting on the other side of my ear.
5. I’m facing a completely different issue right now that involves a Christian, and you Christians are acting like the world is just the worst, but honestly in my realm, it’s been Christians that have been my biggest problem! And, Republicans! The “we’re better than you” mentality is way off you guys!
It’s not my inability to take my thoughts captive, I feel it. People say to pray to God, well, I’m also an intercessor, and that just heightens everything! To no longer feel would be to shut off my love for you guys.
Yes, I agree with pro-lifers that there are many people and organizations and churches doing so much! So, yes, we are not “pro-birthers” who only care about them being born. I could go on and on with what many of us are actually doing on varying levels.
I also agree with the pro-choicers that we’re not doing enough. As a networker who is passionately impact-driven, I’ve hit a lot of obstacles and brick walls in trying to create solutions. Churches and Christians pour more time into multiple Bible studies and book studies by fallible human beings than implementing programs like Embrace Grace. When it’s an election year, it’s the deal-breaker, but outside of that, many are too busy to create real solutions of varying levels of intentionality even though it’s “the most important thing”. Many are too busy to even take someone out to lunch, much less see that they are even struggling! I also go to meetings where we need pro-life Christians giving great ideas to make those changes…they aren’t there.
So please remember, pro-lifers aren’t trying to be controlling, we care about babies, mothers, and the value of life - and sometimes we communicate passion without compassion and empathy.
And please realize, that pro-choicers aren’t trying to be heartless, careless, and selfish, they too are caring with legit concerns from not just what they might know, but what they’ve experienced in life from home, foster care, adoption systems, sex-trafficking, abuse, and in shedding tears while holding the hurting woman slammed with hardships.
This video (below) makes me cry every time. It also hits close to home for me.
This lady and her son, remind me a little of myself. And the scenario portrayed. Which, you see today. However, it could’ve been very different. When my ex proposed abortion to me, I thought, “No one would know. I wouldn’t be shamed at my Christian college. I wouldn’t be talked about. I could handle this issue in private.” But, I never wanted to, even though I knew the backlash I would get would be unfair. So, I kept my baby, became the gossip of my college, and people thought what they thought. What they didn’t know, I was repeatedly beaten, I was raped, and I also protected my baby while being beaten so I didn’t miscarry. But, I had “The Scarlet Letter” on my jacket.
People were sleeping around in Bible college for fun, but I was the one who got pregnant…by rape. Held captive. Threatened with the death of me and my family.
And, I was the one who was judged.
And, I had only kissed one guy…my whole life.
And, I was the one who was judged.
Church, you are half the reason why women get abortions.
And, when women are in these situations, it’s not the world who judges them.
If you are pro-life, be PRO-LIFE.
Nurture hearts.
~ Love, Robyn McLean
Pro-lifers…Christian, atheist, Democrat, LGBTQ, etc., (because it’s a lie it’s just white, Republican, male Christians - trust me, I know every kind, I just tend to address the Christian ones because I expect more from them), please remember it’s more than just right and wrong, morals and values, facts and misconceptions, science and skewed info, life and ethics, whose blatant statement is more correct, etc.
It’s about people. Being pro-life is about valuing others, and honestly, we lose a lot of that in the wayside of trying to prove a point on the value of life, that we don’t value the individual who is hurting. Right now, regardless of how strongly you feel about a situation, please don’t forget the person right in front of you whom God called you to love. Honestly, half the time the conversation isn’t even really about the legitimacy of the pain the baby goes through in the womb and what situations warrant allowing that, it’s not “the angry liberal yelling crazy things on TikTok” of the “woke” wave, it’s a conversation of pain, hurt, fear, doubt, injustice, shame, loss of control in real-life situations, etc.
This is what they feel, no matter how it comes out. You see anger. You see stubbornness. But, it goes deeper. Facts are important in mature and receptive conversations, but most of the time, those aren’t the conversations actually taking place, because people aren’t dealing with mere facts and misconceptions…they are dealing from a place of pain and experience. I’m 100% for defending all life, it’s an ethical issue, not a religious nor Republican issue, but when you say they are wrong, in their mind you’re saying they are wrong about: their pain, their hurts, their fears, how they’ve been mistreated, the shame they’ve endured, the abuse/sexual abuse, the injustice, the hardship dealt by unfair situations, the people they’ve cared for who have gone through the pain, etc.
Be mindful of the conversations you’re having. No one is going to be convinced differently with the accurate facts (unless it’s a real conversation), and no one is going to feel valued if you’re just trying to be right. Ask real questions and nurture their hearts even if you “can’t convince them”. The pro-life value is more than convincing anyone of anything. These are people hurt by foster systems, adoption issues, child abuse, sex abuse, and sex trafficking (not everyone gives up a child for adoption, they sell their babies; some pro-choicers don't want the child going through that. None of us do.). You need to think bigger. These are real concerns pro-choice people have, and if you listen and work together, maybe you can present REAL ideas on how we can meet these needs. They want SOLUTIONS - if there is no solution, they don’t care about the science. They have a different perspective on what “the value of life” is. You’re having the wrong conversations.
My heart is heavy for many reasons…
1. I love you all.
2. I’m frustrated with the blatant pro-choice remarks (it also affects me personally and my defensive nature for my son who loves those of you he knows).
3. I’m frustrated with the blatant pro-life remarks (you’re missing it and your attitude stinks).
4. When I get angry, and I know God doesn’t want me to be, I have to feel something, so it just turns to sadness…and being in the middle with a different perspective is like one person on one side shouting through my ear and another person shouting on the other side of my ear.
5. I’m facing a completely different issue right now that involves a Christian, and you Christians are acting like the world is just the worst, but honestly in my realm, it’s been Christians that have been my biggest problem! And, Republicans! The “we’re better than you” mentality is way off you guys!
It’s not my inability to take my thoughts captive, I feel it. People say to pray to God, well, I’m also an intercessor, and that just heightens everything! To no longer feel would be to shut off my love for you guys.
Yes, I agree with pro-lifers that there are many people and organizations and churches doing so much! So, yes, we are not “pro-birthers” who only care about them being born. I could go on and on with what many of us are actually doing on varying levels.
I also agree with the pro-choicers that we’re not doing enough. As a networker who is passionately impact-driven, I’ve hit a lot of obstacles and brick walls in trying to create solutions. Churches and Christians pour more time into multiple Bible studies and book studies by fallible human beings than implementing programs like Embrace Grace. When it’s an election year, it’s the deal-breaker, but outside of that, many are too busy to create real solutions of varying levels of intentionality even though it’s “the most important thing”. Many are too busy to even take someone out to lunch, much less see that they are even struggling! I also go to meetings where we need pro-life Christians giving great ideas to make those changes…they aren’t there.
So please remember, pro-lifers aren’t trying to be controlling, we care about babies, mothers, and the value of life - and sometimes we communicate passion without compassion and empathy.
And please realize, that pro-choicers aren’t trying to be heartless, careless, and selfish, they too are caring with legit concerns from not just what they might know, but what they’ve experienced in life from home, foster care, adoption systems, sex-trafficking, abuse, and in shedding tears while holding the hurting woman slammed with hardships.
This video (below) makes me cry every time. It also hits close to home for me.
This lady and her son, remind me a little of myself. And the scenario portrayed. Which, you see today. However, it could’ve been very different. When my ex proposed abortion to me, I thought, “No one would know. I wouldn’t be shamed at my Christian college. I wouldn’t be talked about. I could handle this issue in private.” But, I never wanted to, even though I knew the backlash I would get would be unfair. So, I kept my baby, became the gossip of my college, and people thought what they thought. What they didn’t know, I was repeatedly beaten, I was raped, and I also protected my baby while being beaten so I didn’t miscarry. But, I had “The Scarlet Letter” on my jacket.
People were sleeping around in Bible college for fun, but I was the one who got pregnant…by rape. Held captive. Threatened with the death of me and my family.
And, I was the one who was judged.
And, I had only kissed one guy…my whole life.
And, I was the one who was judged.
Church, you are half the reason why women get abortions.
And, when women are in these situations, it’s not the world who judges them.
If you are pro-life, be PRO-LIFE.
Nurture hearts.
~ Love, Robyn McLean