Today, is a wonderful birthday, wonderful in so many ways, beginning with the fact that I am able to celebrate another one with loved ones, along with all the wonderful memories I can look back on, and future to look forward to. We had some church ladies/friends over this evening, including one of my grandmas, to have birthday, berry pie. All the ladies were sitting around the table and were wanting me to model my newly altered wedding dress, since they would be unable to attend the Oregon wedding on November 30th. So, I went to go get my dress and put it on. As I peeked out the door to make sure grandma was still with the women, AJ ran down the hall and saw me in my dress. As I emerged, he ran back to where the women were, holding out his hands, ready to present me. I came out, and as they oo-ed and aah-ed, I did my turn-a-round so they could see the entire dress, AJ spun with me, his hands out, showing off his mama. The ladies were amazed and laughing at how cute this action was. When I stopped, he kept his hands held out, and was smiling at them. He came up to me, holding out his arms for me to hold him, and then he gave me a sweet hug, then he held his head back to look at me in the face right before he puckered up to give me sweet kiss. He gestured at Papa to look at me to make sure he saw me in this beautiful dress. Then, he wanted down. He walked over to a picture of me and Josh, and touched his finger to Josh's face and looked right at me with a big, happy smile. Adriel had NEVER seen me in this dress before. But he sure connected this dress with Josh, and the special occasion of this pre-celebration. Then he looked at the ladies with a huge smile, and and walked back over to me from the picture and patted my dress, and held his arms out for me to pick him back up. My mom started playing the wedding song I would walk down to. AJ nuzzled his head to mine as the song played. He had teared up over this song before; music moves him, as it did me when I was quite young (music still does, those who know me, know that music is a part of me). The ladies were in awe of this side of Adriel not many have seen in how he does communicate. Betty noted, "Look how he is so gentle with her and the dress, he pats it gently and holds his feet out cause he doesn't want it dirty"...they could tell how he treated it so very special. They were so happy to see this and be a part of it, and I am still kind of in shock. As much as I know how smart and intuitive he is, he keeps us on our toes with what he understands, and how insightful he is. This was such a special night in so many ways, and I feel so honored to have had my sweet son, present me as a soon-to-be bride, and to show his own little blessing and excitement and knowledge of this blessed event to some dear church ladies/friends and family. The way he cherished me today as his mom in a wedding dress, with such a profound memory, is the best birthday gift of all. ~Robyn
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RobynI randomly desire to sit and relax at a campfire with good company on a grey-skied day and a cool breeze.
July 2021