I am saying this outright.
I don’t usually jump in on addressing media frenzy – but I feel so strongly about Bristol Palin’s canceled engagement trending on all these news headlines. This is not just because of my care for Bristol, and my frustration with media turning a decision of thought and caution into dissing an entire family, but all women who should not feel shamed for a postponed wedding. I would feel the same way if this were done to a liberal or democrat, with atheistic views! Though, I am more fed up because the attacks on this family are constant -- More like, cooooooooooonnnnnstant! Society and media, can you please quit seeing how low you can stoop for the sake of statistics and drama?! Your drama is as appealing as stagnant water, poison, and rotten fish! You don’t know the whole story -- neither do I. It makes my heart sink when I see people’s opinions and love for drama exploding in the news headlines over something they don’t even know or understand. It is foolish that there is a top story that everyone is talking about, and they don’t even know what they are talking about. No one, and I say, NO one, should be attacking Bristol Palin because she won’t be married next week. Really? “We have a top story on an event we don’t understand, but let’s hate on Bristol because she won’t be married next week!! And let’s throw Sarah Palin into the mix, because then we can hate her more since it’s her daughter’s canceled wedding!!” Wow. That is so … solid. Good job media. Not. Those of you who know my story about my first relationship, engagement, and marriage, would know that I am very against marrying the wrong person (though, long story made short, in my case, I was afraid to leave – since my life, and my family’s life, was threatened -- as well as continuous abuse and control exercised over me). Now, reading that previous sentence, a person with ANY common sense would say, “Well, everyone should be against marrying the wrong person; why would you want to marry the person who is not right for you?” If Bristol and Dakota decided they are not right for each other, OR that it's not the right time, then why are people and media commenting, hating, and shaming otherwise? Either they have NO common sense or are downright bullies. I think it’s both, with a whole lot of drama and greed for their own statistical attraction. News should feature content along these lines: “Bristol Palin won’t be married next week, we don’t know why, but good for her if it was a marriage not meant to be for this time, or at all." More people should reflect deeply on their relationships before making such an important decision of commitment.” With all of media's talk on anti-bullying, feminism, anti-abuse, etc., they really dropped the ball. Again, we don’t know Bristol’s and Dakota’s situation, and we don’t have to, but I do know a lot of other people’s reasons for staying in a relationship they shouldn’t be in (abusive or not), and that they could use encouragement in making the right decision to either not marry yet, or not marry the person at all, rather than media being an awful example like this! Ladies and gentlemen, please, don’t get married if your current significant other is not right for you, or to be able to wait if it's not the right time, especially, if you have kids! Media, SHAME ON YOU. And culture, shame on you for fueling media in a negative manner.
RobynI randomly desire to sit and relax at a campfire with good company on a grey-skied day and a cool breeze.
July 2021