I hate this dream. Being an intercessor, a dreamer, a seer, and used prophetically, isn’t always the powerful, sparkly stuff. It’s heavy, deep, and nothing to take lightly nor misuse. Spiritual giftings...they don’t always feel like gifts, but when God’s power breaks through and the Holy Spirit floods the place, you CANNOT mistake His presence. That has been my whole life growing up…being in tune to the spiritual realm. I don’t know if this dream is fully applicable to what is going on now, or just a part…but, I do know what it's saying and have been in prayer over the nations since. I've had other dreams as well, and I know what they mean - and it's a huge part to why I'm even as involved in politics as I am. Read with discretion. I see a lot of horrible things when I dream.
Dream of The Nations: One Nation Oppressing the Other
(I had this dream around 2012 and wrote it out).
First, I saw boats zooming around in the water, dragging behind them on cables were babies. The babies were not newborns, but they were probably about 3-5 months old...at least that type of age look. The cables were connected to a shackle around one of their ankles. The babies being pulled were only pulled by one ankle. And there was a cylinder type thing that came out of the shackle so they were tortured, but not drowned because the water flew over the cylinder that covered 2/3 of their body. It was awful, but not even the start of what I ended up seeing.
Then, I saw one of the babies on land after the boat was docked. He was being held by one of the soldiers. With a couple or a few more soldiers surrounding him, they were going to kill this baby boy. However, God did not want this baby killed, He sent angels to kill the soldiers, and this baby lived. There were 6 babies total. I was hopeful and figured these babies would get rescued by angels. (I do not usually see angels in my dreams, unfortunately. Growing up, as long as I can remember, it has always been demons, and either God alone rescued me by sending the Holy Spirit fill me to rebuke them, or used me to shine His glory and they couldn't stand the light. [I sang instead of rebuked, and they couldn't stand God's presence]).
The next baby I saw, was a little girl, in the hands of maybe three soldiers. It was at the angle where it was as if I was squatting down looking up at them, and saw the back head of the baby, their hands holding her back, and I saw their faces peer over looking at her. This part pains me the most to write and be reminded in my mind. They were saying, "Oooohhh, what a cute little girl..." in mocking voices, and then they started digging into her little body with their bare hands. I turned away, I didn't want to see any more of what was happening, but I could still hear her screaming cries of pain, the sounds of flesh being torn and bones broken, and them being ruthless men. There may have been another scene; either I blocked it out, or God allowed me to just know that the other four babies died. I was in such anguish that only one of the six babies lived. I knew I was having a dream too, and I was angry I was having it, but there was nothing I could do. I was never really IN the dream, I was an observer of everything--which doesn't usually happen.
Next, I saw the soldiers, and there was a celebration going on. They were so happy about the evil they had done to this other nation. The commander/chief/president came up to them, shaking their hands, thanking them for the honorable killing they had done in his name. He was small compared to the soldiers, but he was so corrupt and dangerous. Both their uniforms were tan, but the commander/chief/president was in tighter pants that tucked into a below-the-knee, dark-colored boot, with a bit of a decorated jacket differently than the soldiers. After being thanked, the soldiers said, "Well, sir, it is an honor to do anything in your name." Confetti was going, and people were cheering. But I just was sick. So sick over what was happening. Then they went into a mud-like, box house hut, that had a fabric curtain for a door.
Then, I saw the baby, as a grown man, age thirty-five to forty, I saw his face, medium brown hair, mustache and beard--trim, and a light of glory shining behind him, but he wasn't Jesus. He was just a man. Then, I saw a woman on the floor in a room, weeping. She was weeping for her nation, gut-wrenching cries (I felt the same). She had long, wavy, thickish, black hair, that was in a pony tail. And was wearing a long skirt with various earthen and bright colors mixed. He put his hand on the woman's back and he said with great feeling, and yet in a peaceful way, "I know, that when it hurts, it hurts deeply." She sobbed all the louder. Then he added, "But you HAVE to forgive. You have to be able to forgive. A million (millions will) have died, but you have to forgive. The more our nation is oppressed, the greater our God will judge their nation. We are free in Him. Justice will be given, and in the end everything will be alright, but you must forgive."
End of Dream.
(Wrote This Message Around 2012)
I feel the Lord has been putting various ministries and political affairs into my heart, and I have been seeing the two linked together in ways I never really thought about before. So, I have been praying for those He's laid on my heart, and for the future of America, and other countries. It was hard for me to fathom, though growing up in a pastor's home and having to do my own forgiving, this all was an utter shock to me. I was being exposed to something I really did not want to see. And here this man was filled with such peace and love, even though his fellow baby friends of his nation were ruthlessly killed and he lived. He lived to fulfill a purpose God had for him. And, to also give a message of hope and forgiveness. I was crying as I was witnessing this taking place. I was angry, because this was just thrust upon me, and now I had a ton of emotions to deal with. I knew a lot, and at the same time, I knew nothing. I didn't know who in the world the nations were. Both nations appeared white (except maybe the woman weeping). The houses were primitive in the area where the enemies were camped out.
(My Message Today):
But, the message for ALL of us is just as true. As we weep and mourn the pain that is taking place, I will relay that message by repeating it: "I know, that when it hurts, it hurts deeply. But you HAVE to forgive. You have to be able to forgive. A million (millions will) have died, but you have to forgive. The more our nation is oppressed, the greater our God will judge their nation. We are free in Him. Justice will be given, and in the end everything will be alright, but you must forgive."
It's a position of the heart amongst valid emotions to process.
- Robyn
Dream of The Nations: One Nation Oppressing the Other
(I had this dream around 2012 and wrote it out).
First, I saw boats zooming around in the water, dragging behind them on cables were babies. The babies were not newborns, but they were probably about 3-5 months old...at least that type of age look. The cables were connected to a shackle around one of their ankles. The babies being pulled were only pulled by one ankle. And there was a cylinder type thing that came out of the shackle so they were tortured, but not drowned because the water flew over the cylinder that covered 2/3 of their body. It was awful, but not even the start of what I ended up seeing.
Then, I saw one of the babies on land after the boat was docked. He was being held by one of the soldiers. With a couple or a few more soldiers surrounding him, they were going to kill this baby boy. However, God did not want this baby killed, He sent angels to kill the soldiers, and this baby lived. There were 6 babies total. I was hopeful and figured these babies would get rescued by angels. (I do not usually see angels in my dreams, unfortunately. Growing up, as long as I can remember, it has always been demons, and either God alone rescued me by sending the Holy Spirit fill me to rebuke them, or used me to shine His glory and they couldn't stand the light. [I sang instead of rebuked, and they couldn't stand God's presence]).
The next baby I saw, was a little girl, in the hands of maybe three soldiers. It was at the angle where it was as if I was squatting down looking up at them, and saw the back head of the baby, their hands holding her back, and I saw their faces peer over looking at her. This part pains me the most to write and be reminded in my mind. They were saying, "Oooohhh, what a cute little girl..." in mocking voices, and then they started digging into her little body with their bare hands. I turned away, I didn't want to see any more of what was happening, but I could still hear her screaming cries of pain, the sounds of flesh being torn and bones broken, and them being ruthless men. There may have been another scene; either I blocked it out, or God allowed me to just know that the other four babies died. I was in such anguish that only one of the six babies lived. I knew I was having a dream too, and I was angry I was having it, but there was nothing I could do. I was never really IN the dream, I was an observer of everything--which doesn't usually happen.
Next, I saw the soldiers, and there was a celebration going on. They were so happy about the evil they had done to this other nation. The commander/chief/president came up to them, shaking their hands, thanking them for the honorable killing they had done in his name. He was small compared to the soldiers, but he was so corrupt and dangerous. Both their uniforms were tan, but the commander/chief/president was in tighter pants that tucked into a below-the-knee, dark-colored boot, with a bit of a decorated jacket differently than the soldiers. After being thanked, the soldiers said, "Well, sir, it is an honor to do anything in your name." Confetti was going, and people were cheering. But I just was sick. So sick over what was happening. Then they went into a mud-like, box house hut, that had a fabric curtain for a door.
Then, I saw the baby, as a grown man, age thirty-five to forty, I saw his face, medium brown hair, mustache and beard--trim, and a light of glory shining behind him, but he wasn't Jesus. He was just a man. Then, I saw a woman on the floor in a room, weeping. She was weeping for her nation, gut-wrenching cries (I felt the same). She had long, wavy, thickish, black hair, that was in a pony tail. And was wearing a long skirt with various earthen and bright colors mixed. He put his hand on the woman's back and he said with great feeling, and yet in a peaceful way, "I know, that when it hurts, it hurts deeply." She sobbed all the louder. Then he added, "But you HAVE to forgive. You have to be able to forgive. A million (millions will) have died, but you have to forgive. The more our nation is oppressed, the greater our God will judge their nation. We are free in Him. Justice will be given, and in the end everything will be alright, but you must forgive."
End of Dream.
(Wrote This Message Around 2012)
I feel the Lord has been putting various ministries and political affairs into my heart, and I have been seeing the two linked together in ways I never really thought about before. So, I have been praying for those He's laid on my heart, and for the future of America, and other countries. It was hard for me to fathom, though growing up in a pastor's home and having to do my own forgiving, this all was an utter shock to me. I was being exposed to something I really did not want to see. And here this man was filled with such peace and love, even though his fellow baby friends of his nation were ruthlessly killed and he lived. He lived to fulfill a purpose God had for him. And, to also give a message of hope and forgiveness. I was crying as I was witnessing this taking place. I was angry, because this was just thrust upon me, and now I had a ton of emotions to deal with. I knew a lot, and at the same time, I knew nothing. I didn't know who in the world the nations were. Both nations appeared white (except maybe the woman weeping). The houses were primitive in the area where the enemies were camped out.
(My Message Today):
But, the message for ALL of us is just as true. As we weep and mourn the pain that is taking place, I will relay that message by repeating it: "I know, that when it hurts, it hurts deeply. But you HAVE to forgive. You have to be able to forgive. A million (millions will) have died, but you have to forgive. The more our nation is oppressed, the greater our God will judge their nation. We are free in Him. Justice will be given, and in the end everything will be alright, but you must forgive."
It's a position of the heart amongst valid emotions to process.
- Robyn